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Legend (Tile_Caches/LULC_Cache_Pro)

Land Use Land Cover (0)
Bay Swamps Bay Swamps
Bays And Estuaries Bays And Estuaries
Beaches Other Than Swimming Beaches Beaches Other Than Swimming Beaches
Commercial And Services Commercial And Services
Communications Communications
Cropland And Pastureland Cropland And Pastureland
Cypress Cypress
Disturbed Land Disturbed Land
Emergent Aquatic Vegetation Emergent Aquatic Vegetation
Extractive Extractive
Feeding Operations Feeding Operations
Freshwater Marshes Freshwater Marshes
Golf Courses Golf Courses
Gulf Of Mexico Gulf Of Mexico
Hardwood Conifer Mixed Hardwood Conifer Mixed
Herbaceous Herbaceous
Improved Pastures Improved Pastures
Industrial Industrial
Institutional Institutional
Intermittent Ponds Intermittent Ponds
Lakes Lakes
Longleaf Pine - Xeric Oak Longleaf Pine - Xeric Oak
Mangrove Swamps Mangrove Swamps
Mixed Rangeland Mixed Rangeland
Mixed Scrub-Shrub Wetland Mixed Scrub-Shrub Wetland
Non-Vegetated Non-Vegetated
Nurseries And Vineyards Nurseries And Vineyards
Open Land Open Land
Pine Flatwoods Pine Flatwoods
Recreational Recreational
Reservoirs Reservoirs
Residential Low Density Residential Low Density
Residential Med Density Residential Med Density
Residential High Density Residential High Density
Row Crops Row Crops
Salt Flats Salt Flats
Saltwater Marshes Saltwater Marshes
Shorelines Shorelines
Shrub And Brushland Shrub And Brushland
Specialty Farms Specialty Farms
Stream And Lake Swamps (Bottomland) Stream And Lake Swamps (Bottomland)
Streams And Waterways Streams And Waterways
Transportation Transportation
Tree Crops Tree Crops
Tree Plantations Tree Plantations
Tropical Fish Farms Tropical Fish Farms
Upland Coniferous Forest Upland Coniferous Forest
Upland Hardwood Forests - Part 2; Upland Hardwood Forests - Part 1; Upland Hardwood - Coniferous Mix Upland Hardwood Forests - Part 2; Upland Hardwood Forests - Part 1; Upland Hardwood - Coniferous Mix
Utilities Utilities
Vegetated Non-Forested Wetlands Vegetated Non-Forested Wetlands
Wet Prairies Wet Prairies
Wetland Coniferous Forests Wetland Coniferous Forests
Wetland Forested Mixed Wetland Forested Mixed
Wetland Hardwood Forests Wetland Hardwood Forests
Xeric Oak Xeric Oak